MKVM Fortuna utcai épülete


MKVM Fortuna utcai épülete.

The building of the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism can be seen with its entrance gate in Fortuna Street.

Title(s), language
language hungarian
language english
Subject, content, audience
subject MKVM
subject MKVM Fortuna utcai épülete
subject Épület
subject Utcarészlet
Time and places
spatial reference Budapest I., Fortuna u. 4.
location of physical object Budapest
temporal reference 1995
medium paper
extent 9 x 12 cm
colour image polychrome
format jpeg
Legal information
rightsholder MKVM
access rights research permit needed
Source and data identifiers
source MKVM
registration number VF_38_670_1_8_2
registration number VIP_2_Vegyes