News & Pictures - József Németh


THE ARTISTS' COLONY at Hódmezővásárhely has been in the forefront of Hungarian artistic life since its foundation at the turn of the century. The picture shows József Németh (r.) in his studio, surrounded by his work. (Hungarian Rewiew, 1978.)

Title(s), language
language hungarian
Subject, content, audience
subject Képzőművészet
Creators, contributors
publisher Hungarian Review
Time and places
spatial reference Magyarország - Csongrád megye
spatial reference Hódmezővásárhely
location of physical object Hódmezővásárhely
created 1978-01-01
temporal reference 1978
medium paper
format jpeg
Legal information
rightsholder Tornyai János Múzeum
access rights rights reserved - free access
Source and data identifiers
source Tornyai János Múzeum
registration number nincs leltári száma