Rezes temetés
photo, local history, ethnography, viable, man, cross, tombstone, grave
Title(s), language | |
language | hungarian |
Subject, content, audience | |
subject | fotó |
subject | helytörténet |
subject | néprajz |
subject | életkép |
subject | kereszt |
subject | sírkő |
subject | sírhalom |
subject | ember |
Creators, contributors | |
creator | Vajkai Aurél |
Time and places | |
spatial reference | Cserszegtomaj |
spatial reference | Zala megye |
location of physical object | Keszthely |
temporal reference | 1970. dec. 1 |
Attributes | |
medium | photo paper |
extent | 6x9cm |
colour image | black and white |
format | jpeg |
Legal information | |
rightsholder | Balatoni Múzeum |
access rights | research permit needed |
Source and data identifiers | |
source | Balatoni Múzeum Fénykép Szakleltár |
registration number | 38231 |