Piazza del Colosseo

Via Sacra és Titus diadalíve


A fényképek adományozója Dr. Iván Zoltán.

Titus diadalíve, Titus római császár (79 – 81) diadalíve a Forum Romanum bejáratánál, a Via Sacra legmagasabb pontján. A zsidó háborúban (i. sz. 70) aratott győzelme emlékére emelték

The photos were donated by Dr. Zoltán Iván.

Arch of Titus, the Roman emperor Titus (79-81), at the entrance to the Roman Forum, at the highest point of the Via Sacra. Erected to commemorate his victory in the Jewish War (70 AD)

Title(s), language
language hungarian
language english
language italian
Subject, content, audience
subject Titus diadalíve
subject macskakő
subject Citroen DS
subject Ford Thunderbird
subject Mercedes Benz W136
subject Citroen-márka
subject Fiat 500
subject Forum Romanum
Time and places
spatial reference Olaszország, Róma, Piazza del Colosseo
temporal reference 1960
medium negative
colour image black and white
format jpeg
Legal information
rightsholder Fortepan
access rights free download
Source and data identifiers
registration number 224802