Fiatalok szerepe a legelőgazdálkodás megjavításában


Fiatalok szerepe a legelőgazdálkodás megjavításában

Printed matter. The Role of young people in shieling farms transformation.
Despite the decline in interest for agriculture as a career there are still young farmers working all over the world.This includes giving young farmers at policy level a chance to offer their opinion and experiences. In this way, they can show other young people that farming can be a rewarding career as well as highlighting the important role of agriculture on a global scale.

Title(s), language
language hungarian
Subject, content, audience
subject Aprónyomtatványok
Creators, contributors
publisher Szolnok megyei Nyomdaipari Vállalat
Time and places
place of publishing Szolnok
spatial reference Szolnok
temporal reference 1964
medium paper
extent 29 x 20 cm
format PDF
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rightsholder Ismeretlen
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